
We ask you to confirm that you have read the document after you have familiarized yourself with it.

Please acknowledge reading of the document at the bottom of this page.


The drafting, upkeep and communication of the rescue plan are based on the requirement of the Rescue Act (379/2011). In this rescue plan, there is an account:

  1. for the conclusions of the assessment of hazards and risks;
  2. for the safety arrangements of the building and the premises used in the operations;
  3. regarding the instructions to be given to people for the prevention of accidents and acting in accident and danger situations;
  4. other possible actions for independent preparation at the location. (Rescue Act 379/2011, Section 15))

The rescue plan must be kept up to date and it must be communicated in the necessary way to the persons in the relevant building or other site. (Government Decree on Rescue Action 407/2011, Section 2.)

There are also other requirements for safety in the Rescue Act; the most important of these are:
The owner and holder of the building and the operator must, for their part take care that the building, structure and its surroundings are kept in such condition that:

  1. the risk of the starting, intentional starting and spreading of a fire is slight;
  2. the people in the building can vacate the building in the event of fire or other sudden danger situation or they can be rescued in another way;
  3. rescue operations are possible in the event of fire or another accident;
  4. the safety of rescue personnel has been taken into account. (Rescue Act 379/2011, Section 9))

The following equipment and devices must be kept in working order and serviced and inspected appropriately:

  1. extinguishing, rescue and prevention equipment;
  2. devices that facilitate extinguishing and rescue work;
  3. fire detection, alarm and other devices signalling the risk of an accident;
  4. the lighting and signs of the exit routes;
  5. the equipment and devices of the civil defence shelters (Rescue Act 379/2011, Section 12))

The owner and holder of the building and the operator must, for their part:

  1. the starting of fires is to be prevented, as well as the arising of other hazardous situations;
  2. the protection of persons, property and the surroundings in danger situations is to be prepared for;
  3. the extinguishing of fires, and other such rescue measures that they are able to do independently, are to be prepared for;
  4. start action for securing safe exit from fires and other danger situations, as well as action for making rescue operations easier. (Rescue Act 379/2011, Section 14))

Basic property information

Asuinkiinteistö, jossa asuinhuoneistoja 8-kerroksessa. Pohjakerroksessa parkkihalli.

Basic information

Property name Niiralan Kulma Oy Taivaanpankontie 10F
Building address Taivaanpankontie 10F
70200 KUOPIO
Number of apartments 68
Building type Apartment building
Number of floors 8
Year of construction of the property 2018
Property owner Niiralan Kulma Oy
Housing management office Niiralan Kulma Oy


Property manager Mikko Kinnunen
Niiralan Kulma Oy
phone 0447655349
Safety manager Olli Kuronen
phone 0447655372
Person responsible for civil defence shelter VSS1 Matti Paulus
phone 0447655405

Other information

The site falls within the area of the following rescue service: North Savo.

Heating type District heating
Main water shutoff Lämmönjakohuoneessa, K.krs
Heat distribution room K.krs
Electricity switchboard K.krs
Ventilation device
Air ventilation emergency stop

2.krs pääsisäänkäynti, K.krs sisäänkäynti

Maintenance Niiralan Kulma Oy
phone 0447655
service 0447655499
Electricity supplier Kuopion Energia
Water company Kuopion Vesi
service line 0500203023
Insurance company LähiTapiola
tel. 080004531
Gathering area Kiinteistön parkkialueella
Key storage lock box K-kerros sisäänkäynti takapihalla
Number of civil defence shelters 1
Veden pääsulku
Veden pääsulku

Important phone numbers

Important numbers of the property

Task Name Telephone number Service phone number
Maintenance company Niiralan Kulma Oy 0447655 0447655499
Lift maintenance Suomen Hissiurakointi Oy /Savon alue 015162710
Name Telephone number Duty hours
Electricity maintenance Kuopion Energia 0800180330 Continuous duty
Exit guide, security or signal light: Service person 0173684000
Fire extinguisher: Service person 0173684000
Smoke removal machine: Service person 0173684000
Water maintenance Kuopion Vesilaitos 0447185695 08:00-16:00

Other important numbers

Operator Telephone number Duty hours
Public emergency numbers 112 24 h
Poison information centre 0800 147 111 24 h

Risk assessment

A risk assessment has been carried out as part of the preparation of the emergency plan and is presented in this chapter. The assessment has focused on more mundane issues and the conclusions are presented at the end of the chapter. A hazard is defined as a factor or circumstance that can cause harm or bring about an adverse event. Risk is the combined effect of the probability of harm associated with a threat and the severity of the consequences. In this case, the probability of the hazard occurring and the severity of the consequences have been assessed verbally. Measures and preventive actions have also been set out for each hazard.


  • Fire - Water damage - Falls, slips, trips and similar accidents - Storm damage and other weather-related hazards, such as snow or ice falling on people or property in winter, or trees falling in a yard in high winds, for example - External hazards, such as traffic accidents in the vicinity or radiation and gas hazards - Interruptions or malfunctions in the supply of electricity, water or district heating - Vandalism, robbery or burglary.
Consequences Actions and safety and security preparations
Tapaturma tai sairauskohtaus
Esimerkiksi talvella liukkaus saattaa johtaa kaatumisiin tai kompastumisiin. Rakennuksen katolta voi pudota lunta tai jäätä. Katualueelle voi pudota tavaroita. Henkilökohtaiset sairaudet, kuten epilepsia tai diabetes, voivat aiheuttaa sairauskohtauksen. Erityisesti vanhemmilla asukkailla sairauskohtauksien mahdollisuus kasvaa. Todennäköisimmät tapaturmat sattuvat kuitenkin kotona, esimerkiksi ruoanlaiton yhteydessä. Näitä ovat esimerkiksi pienet palovammat tai viillot. Kotona voi sattua myös sähkötapaturma, jos käytetään viallisia sähkölaitteita tai esimerkiksi kännykän akku vioittuu.
Mahdolliset henkilö- ja omaisuusvahingot. Pienet haverit asuinkiinteistöissä todennäköisiä.
Sähkölaitetapaturmiin liittyy yleensä myös tulipalon vaara.

Asukkaiden havaitessa puutteita, esimerkiksi liukkauden torjunnassa tai rikkinäisiä valoja, tulee niistä ilmoittaa välittömästi kiinteistöhuoltoon tai yhtiön hallitukselle. Talvella kiinteistöhuolto hoitaa talvella liukkauden eston sekä tarvittaessa lumen ja jään poiston katolta. Yleisten tilojen kunnossapidosta huolehditaan ja varmistetaan, että esimerkiksi kulkureiteillä ei ole ylimääräistä tavaraa. Suositellaan että asukkaat hankkivat kotiinsa tavanomaiset ensiaputarvikkeet (laastareita, haavojen hoitoaineet jne) ja opettelevat käyttämään niitä.

Ulkoalueilla huolehditaan siitä, että esimerkiksi ajoneuvoja pysäköidään vain niille osoitetuille paikoille, jotta pelastuslaitos ja ensihoito pystyvät toimimaan kohteella.

Asuinkiinteistöissä tilastollisesti suurin tulipalojen aiheuttaja on ruuanlaitto, avotulen käyttö sekä viallisten sähkölaitteiden käyttö. Monesti tulipalojen alkamiseen liittyy ihmisen toiminta tai huolimattomuus. Huoneistoissa ja varastoissa on yleensä paljon tavaraa, joka tulipalotilanteessa toimii palokuormana. Toisinaan tulipalo voi aiheutua myös ihmisestä riippumatta, esimerkiksi viallisessa tai huoltamattomassa sähkökeskuksessa (esim. oikosulut). Tulitöiden tekeminen on aina tulipaloriski.
Mahdolliset henkilö- ja omaisuusvahingot

Avotulen käyttö ja ruuanlaitto vain valvottuna. Rikkinäisten sähkölaitteita ei saa käyttää (tapaturma- ja tulipaloriski). Myöskään isompia kodinkoneita (pesukoneet) ei tule käyttää ilman valvontaa. Asuinhuoneistoihin suositellaan sammutuspeitteiden hankintaa. Yhteisissä tiloissa, porraskäytävissä, kulkukäytävillä ja rakennuksen seinustoilla ei saa säilyttää ylimääräistä tavaraa. Myöskään sähkötiloissa ei säilytetä ylimääräistä tavaraa. Jätepisteellä jätteet tulee lajitella asianmukaisesti eikä sinne saa jättää huonekaluja, vaan ne tulee hävittää asianmukaisesti. Mahdolliset tulityöt suoritetaan tulityölupaprosessin mukaisesti. Irtaimistovarastoissa ei saa säilyttää palavia aineita.

Ulkoalueilla huolehditaan siitä, että esimerkiksi ajoneuvoja pysäköidään vain niille osoitetuille paikoille, jotta pelastuslaitos ja ensihoito pystyvät toimimaan kohteella.

Vahingonteot, varkaudet
Mm. graffitit, ikkunoiden tai kaluston rikkomiset tai tuhopoltot.
Seurauksena pääasiallisesti lievät omaisuusvahingot. Sytytetty kohde (esimerkiksi rakennuksen seinustalla olevala puukasa) voi levitä suuremmaksi paloksi, jolloin myös seuraukset ovat vakavammat. Ulkoalueilla ja sisäänkäynneillä riittävä valaistus. Ilkivallan jäljet (esim. töherrykset) korjataan mahdollisimman pian havainnon jälkeen. Vältetään turhan palokuorman säilyttämistä rakennuksen seinustoilla ja sisätiloissa. Varmistetaan että kulkiessa ei jää auki / lukitsematta vahingossa ovia, esimerkiksi irtaimistovaraston ovea. Lukitukseen ja valaistukseen liittyvät puutteet ilmoitetaan kiinteistöhuollolle.
Sähkökatkot, vesivuodot tai muut kiinteistötekniikan ongelmatilanteet
Äkilliset tai suunnitellut sähkö- tai muut tekniikan käyttökatkot. Rikkoutuneet laitteet, esimerkiksi ilmanvaihtokoneet tai vesivuoto.
Rikkoutunut kiinteistötekniikka aiheuttaa yleensä vain hetkellistä haittaa. Vesivuoto voi huomaamattomana laajentua isommaksi vesivahingoksi. Äkilliset tai suunnitellut sähkökatkot eivät lyhytaikaisesti aiheuta asumiseen suurempia ongelmia, mutta pidentyessään hankaloittavat asumista merkittävästi.

Sähkön, veden tai lämmönjakelun häiriöt ovat epätodennäköisiä, mutta asukkaita suositellaan varautuvan niihin kotivaralla, jonka perusajatus on että kaikkien tulisi pärjätä kotioloissa 72 tuntia omavaraisesti. Kotivaraan ja omatoimiseen varautumiseen lisätietoja suomalaisten viranomaisten ja yhdistysten perustamassa 72 tuntia - sivustolla. Jos asukkaalla on vaikeuksia tulla toimeen omatoimisesti, tulee katkotilanteisiin varautua vakavammin ja olla valmiina hakemaan myös ulkopuolista apua. Asukkaiden on hyvä huomioida myös naapurit arjessa.

Rikkoutuneesta kiinteistötekniikasta tai vuotavista vesikalusteista ilmoitetaan aina välittömästi suoraan kiinteistöhuoltoon. Vesivuotojen osalta vesikalusteissa on myös linjasulut, jotka on mahdollisuuksien mukaan suljettava välittömästi isomman vahingon estämiseksi.

Mahdollisia syitä ovat yleensä jäätyminen, tukokset tai laitteiden vikaantuminen. Ulkopuolisia syitä ovat myrskyt ja esimerkiksi hulevesitulvat (rankkasateet, lumien sulaminen).
Mahdolliset omaisuusvahingot Huolletaan ja ylläpidetään talon LVI-tekniikkaa, ilmoitetaan puutteista, käytetään kodinkoneita (pesukoneet) vain valvottuina, laitteiden uusimisen myötä suositellaan aina vuotokaukaloa, pidetään sadevesiviemärit kunnossa.
Lähialueella säteilyvaaratilanne tai muu vakava tapahtuma.
Mahdolliset henkilövahingot, sisälle suojautuminen, mahdollinen evakuointi. Poikkeustilanteissa toimitaan viranomaisten ohjeistuksen mukaisesti.
Kaasuvaara lähialueella
Syynä voivat olla esimerkiksi kemikaalikuljetusonnettomuus lähellä olevilla kuljetusväylillä tai tulipalo naapurikiinteistössä.
Seurauksena mahdolliset henkilö- ja omaisuusvahingot.

Noudatetaan viranomaisen hätätiedotteita, jotka voivat tulla tekstiviestillä, TV:n tai internetin välityksellä tai viime kädessä pelastuslaitoksen kaiutinautoilla.

Tärkeimpänä toimenpiteenä yleensä ilmanvaihdon sulku ja sisälle suojautuminen.

Sähköautojen lataus
Sähköauton latauksesta johtuva palo tai sähköautosta lähtevä palo.
Omaisuusvahingot, mahdolliset henkilövahingot. Sähköautossa erityisesti akusto palaa voimakkaasti ja on hankala sammuttaa, joten palon leviäminen on mahdollista, jopa todennäköistä sijainnista riippuen. Sähköautoja saa ladata vain niille osoitetuissa ja sähköturvallisissa latauspaikoissa. Autoja ei saa ladata normaaleista seinäpistorasioista tai vanhoista lämpötolpista, jos niitä ei ole hyväksytty siihen käyttöön. Latauspaikkojen hätäseis-painikkeet tai sulakkeet on suositeltavaa merkitä selkeästi, jotta virrat saadaan katkaistua hätätilanteessa.

Conclusions of the hazard and risk assessment

The site is a residential building, and the everyday hazards and risks associated with it are linked to this. The most common occurrences in residential buildings are accidents, and statistically they are likely to occur inside the dwelling. Slips and trips in the yard or on stairs are also associated with normal housing. Many incidents can be prevented through the use of common sense, and any deficiencies found should always be reported.

Safety manager

A protection manager has been nominated for the housing organisation, who is responsible for their part for the safety of the housing organisation. The protection manager acts to provide an example of safety to the other residents of the housing organisation. His/her tasks vary, depending on the situation.

Safety manager Olli Kuronen
phone 0447655372

Duties in normal circumstances

  • Manages the property's safety and security matters both administratively as well as operatively.
  • Is in charge of the property's safety and security both under normal and exceptional conditions, as well as following the protection guide and keeping it up to date.
  • Is responsible for the training and knowledge of the various individuals within the protection organisation under various kinds of accident and threat circumstances.
  • Updates the rescue plan.
  • Makes the necessary proposals on safety and security improvements.
  • Monitors that the real estate is in order according to the laws, decrees, and regulations.
  • Supervises alteration and repair work done in the property.

Duties in exceptional situations and during increasing preparedness

  • Putting the protection office in order.
  • Checking message and alarm connections.
  • Going through the names and tasks of the individuals in managerial positions.
  • Training the personnel; assignments and protection groups.
  • Observing supervision execution.
  • Keeping in contact with the protection headquarters.
  • Giving internal alarms in the building.
  • Taking a lead in protection matters when needed.

Safety procedures

Extinguishing equipment

Location Extinguishing equipment Description
Useita käsisammuttimia kerroksittain asuinrakennuksessa, sekä parkkihallissa. Fire extinguisher 6l Peltafire S6F, nestesammutin
Useita pikapaloposteja kerroksittain asuinrakennuksessa Fire hydrant 25mm pikapaloposti
Hand-held fire extinguishers should be inspected:
  • at least yearly when the extinguisher is subjected to factors affecting its operational ability, such as moisture, vibration or fluctuations in temperature (outdoor areas)
  • at least once every two years (indoor areas)
Fire hydrants should be inspected:
  • The functionality of the rapid fire hydrants should be checked every year. A pressure test for the rapid fire hydrant hoses should be performed at five-year intervals.

Safety equipment

Smoke extraction

The purpose of smoke ventilation is to remove fire gases, smoke and heat from the premises. The smoke ventilation equipment must be maintained and tested regularly according to the user maintenance instructions. The smoke ventilation equipment may only be used by the rescue services.

Smoke removal machine
Location of smoke extraction hatches Porraskäytävät
Description Sähköinen savunpoistojärjestelmä akkuvarmennuksella
Location of centre Sähköpääkeskus, K.krs
Smoke removal activation Painonapit sisäänkäyntien yhteydessä
Service person Peltaco Oy
phone 0173684000
Savunpoiston käsinlaukaisu
Savunpoiston käsinlaukaisu

Exit guide, security or signal light

Emergency exit signs show how to to exit the building. Any faulty or incomplete signs must be reported to property maintenance services.

Exit guide, security or signal light
Location Uloskäynnit ja hätäpoistumistiet
Description Sähköinen turvavalojärjestelmä akkuvarmennuksella
Location of centre Merkkivalot varustettu omilla akuilla ja liitetty kiinteitsön sähköverkkoon.
Coverage Poistumistiet
Service person Peltaco Oy
phone 0173684000

Ventilation emergency stop

If the building is subjected to an external danger, such as fire gases from an adjacent building, the ventilation must be shut off. In such a case, the rescue authorities usually issue an emergency warning, providing additional instructions, such as to turn off ventilation systems.

Air ventilation can be stopped by anyone.

Ventilation emergency stop: 2.krs pääsisäänkäynti, K.krs sisäänkäynti

Ilmanvaihdon hätäseis-painike
Ilmanvaihdon hätäseis-painike

Fire safety

Emergency exit routes

The principle of exit safety is that all spaces of the building must have at least two exit routes at all times, which do not require keys or other tools to open the doors. Exiting must also be possible to do in the dark, which is why the exit routes must be clear at all times. Because the property has 8 floors, the window or apartment- specific balcony shall serve as an emergency exit. In this event, the rescue department shall assist in evacuating the building in case of emergency. Objects are not to be stored in front of the exits. (Environment Ministry's regulation of fire safety of buildings.)

Exit ways and doors leading to them must be easily accessible and openable in emergency situations from the inside.

A door can be locked, for example, to prevent trespassing from the outside, but must it must be possible to open it from the inside without a key during the normal use of the building.

Never exit into a smoky stairway.

Hot work

Hot work is defined as work in which sparks arise or in which naked flames or other heat sources are used and may cause a fire hazard. Such work includes e.g. oxyacetylene and arc welding, flame and arc cutting, disc cutting and metal grinding, which create sparks, as well as work involving the use of gas burners, other open fire or combustion air blowers.

Performing hot work at a temporary hot work site always requires a permission granted by a person responsible for the hot work. The hot work permission ensures the actions of the different parties regarding safety and fire protection. The person conducting the hot work must have a hot work licence.

The property manager office grants the hot work permissions.

Other arrangements


Location Porraskäytävä
Maintenance company Suomen Hissiurakointi Oy /Savon alue
Inspector Inspecta

Ventilation device

Ventilation device
Description Ilmanvaihtokoneen tyyppi: Koneellinen ilmanvaihto
Emergency stop switch location 2.krs pääsisäänkäynti, K.krs sisäänkäynti
Ilmanvaihdon hätäseis-painike
Ilmanvaihdon hätäseis-painike

Charging point for electric vehicles

Charging point for electric vehicles
Location Etupuolen pysäköintialueella

Action guidelines

Calling for help

In all emergencies, whether you need urgent assistance from the police, rescue services, ambulance or social services, CALL: 112 Make the emergency call yourself if you can It is important that the person concerned makes the emergency call. They will have the information that the dispatcher needs to determine what kind of help will be sent to the scene. Tell what has happened The emergency dispatcher will ask the caller for information about what has happened so that he or she can send the right help to the situation if necessary. Tell the exact address and municipality The emergency centre may have several of the same address in different municipalities. The address of the scene is $(street address), $(postal code) Answer questions asked of you The questions asked by the dispatcher have a purpose. The questions will not delay the call for help. In an emergency, the dispatcher will alert the authorities and partners who come to help during the call and provide them with further information about the incident. Act on the instructions given The dispatcher is trained to give instructions for different situations. It is important to follow the instructions given. Correctly executed first actions often make a difference to the outcome of the situation. Do not end a call until you have been authorised to do so Ending a call too early can delay the arrival of helpers. Once you have permission to end the call, hang up. Keep the line free. The dispatcher or on-site helper may need more information about what has happened.

Sickness or accident

Check and check - What has happened?- Check the person's condition (waking up, breathing).Administer first aid if necessary - Turn the unconscious but breathing patient to the side - If the person is not breathing, start first aid according to your skills.Call an emergency - Call 112 - Tell us where you are calling from. $(street address), $(postal code)- Tell what has happened. - Follow the instructions. - Report any changes in the patient's condition to the emergency centre.

Basic adult resuscitation

Identifying cardiac arrest - CPR should be started on any unresponsive patient - who is not breathing - whose breathing is not normal - loud/corny and irregular breathing in an unresponsive person indicates cardiac arrest Emergency notification - Emergency notification should be made immediately to the public emergency number 112 - if the person is unresponsive - if the person is not breathing normally - If you are resuscitating a person alone - put the phone on speakerphone - you can resuscitate and listen to the instructions from the emergency centre CPR - CPR should be started as soon as possible - the pressure point is the lower part of the sternum - the base of the palm of one hand on the pressure point and the other hand over it - it is recommended to change the pressure reliever every 2 minutes (if possible) - Begin resuscitation with 30 compressions Puffing resuscitation - Alternate between 30 compressions and 2 puffs - Blow two calm puffs lasting about one second - chest should rise and fall with the puffs - If puffing fails, continue to push without interruption


Play - Perform a situation assessment. Rescue those in immediate danger - Be careful not to breathe smoke! The smoke is highly toxic and if inhaled will cause death very quickly.Warn - Warn others in the building of the fire and the imminent danger - Direct people to the assembly point.Alert - Call 112 from a safe place - Tell them who you are, where the fire is (address and floor), what is burning and if people are in danger - Do not hang up until you get permission.

Extinguish - If possible, carry out the initial extinguishing operation. - A grease fire is extinguished by smothering it with a fire blanket. - In the case of an electrical appliance fire, switch off the power to the appliance, then you can start the initial extinguishing operation. Restrict - Remove nearby flammable objects and flammable substances. - Limit the spread of the fire and smoke by closing the windows and the door of the dwelling when you leave. Organise - Guide emergency personnel to the scene or arrange for guidance. Example: one person guides at the edge of the car park and another at the side of the building. In the event of an evacuation, the assembly point is: $(assembly point)

Activities at the meeting place

Meeting place: $(meeting place)
Meeting place

Depending on the situation, consideration should be given to whether it is safe to remain at the designated assembly point or whether people should be directed elsewhere, for example to a nearby property.

Things to remember at the assembly point: - take care of any injured people, notify the emergency services - take care of people with reduced mobility or other disabilities - notify the emergency services if you know someone is trapped inside Secondary assembly point $(backup assembly point) If the assembly point is not safe, move to a safer location (further away from the building or temporarily to a nearby building). If necessary, the authorities will designate shelters for longer-term shelter.

Assisting a person with reduced mobility in an emergency

It can be difficult and slow for people with reduced mobility to leave the building in an emergency. If you know of people with reduced mobility living next door, such as disabled, blind or elderly people, you should also try to ensure their safe exit in an emergency. If you know your neighbour is at home but you cannot help them to leave, inform the emergency services as soon as possible. Cooperate with other residents. Things to consider when helping a person with reduced mobility to leave - Help the person with reduced mobility to leave according to your own abilities - Listen to the person you are helping - Look after the person you are helping even after they have left.

Water damage

Instructions for action - Switch off the electricity at and near the leakage point - Stop the leak, e.g. by closing the water main shut-off or the furniture shut-off, if possible - Water main shut-off: $(water_main_shut-off) - In the event of water damage, immediately notify the maintenance call centre $(property_management_name), $(property_management_call_number).
- If necessary, contact the emergency number 112. If the water hazard threatens from outside the building - Notify the property management and, if necessary, the emergency number 112.

Power cuts

What to do during a power cut: - First check the fuses. If they are intact, find out if your neighbour's or neighbouring houses' electricity is working.- If the power goes out over a wider area, the fault is already known and remedial action has been taken. Most electricity suppliers will have a recorded fault message on their fault service number telling you of a known power cut in your area. - If, when the power comes back on, the electricity is behaving strangely, for example the lights are brighter or dimmer than normal, this could be due to a broken neutral wire in the electricity network. This can result in equipment damage, fire and, in the worst case, electric shock. In these situations, turn off the main power switch and call your electricity supplier's emergency services.- In the event of a prolonged power cut, be prepared with warm clothing, especially in winter, and a home reserve if necessary. The fridge and freezer will go out and should be avoided if they are opened to prevent food spoilage. The water supply may be cut off during a power cut, the refrigerator and freezer will shut down and should be avoided to prevent food spoilage - the water supply may be interrupted during a power cut as the water supply pumps are powered by electricity. It is not always possible to provide information in advance. You can find out about anticipated power cuts by following the information provided by the authorities, for example via YLE.

General danger sign

A general danger signal is a one-minute rising and falling sound signal or a warning sounded by an authority. The duration of the rising and falling periods is 7 seconds. A general danger signal indicates an imminent danger to the public. The warning is given by a fixed outdoor alarm system in built-up areas and by mobile alarms mounted on the vehicle outside built-up areas. The Overdanger sign is a steady sound signal of one minute duration. It is an indication that the threat or danger has passed. This is what to do when you hear the general danger signal - Go inside - Stay inside - Close doors, windows, vents and air conditioning - Turn on the radio and wait for instructions - Avoid using the telephone to avoid blocking the lines - Do not leave the area without being advised by the authorities so as not to endanger yourself en route.

Gas risk

A general hazard warning is issued for gas hazards For more information on the nature of the hazard, you can listen to the radio and television or use your mobile phone. If you are indoors and smell gas: - stay indoors - upper floors are the best protection - put a wet garment over your mouth and breathe through it - stay on upper floors until the danger is over.
- If you are outside when you smell gas and cannot get inside: - hurry under the gas cloud to a side wind - aim as high as possible, for example on a hill - put a wet garment, grass, peat or moss in front of your mouth and breathe through it. Additional information to protect yourself from gas - Stop air conditioning and close doors and windows tightly. The tighter you make the building, the slower the gas will penetrate.- You can also close and tape interior doors and stay downwind. If you smell the gas, you can breathe through a damp, porous cloth. - The authorities will announce on the radio or loudspeakers when the toxic cloud has dissipated. Then ventilate the interior carefully.

Radiation hazard

The radiation situation is constantly monitored throughout the country by means of gauges. Even small changes are detected immediately and reported without delay. A general danger signal will be issued. Go indoors Sheltering indoors is the first line of defence in the event of a radiation hazard. Close doors, windows, vents and ventilation tightly to prevent radioactive substances from entering. The central parts of the house offer the best protection. Iodine tablets Taking iodine tablets is a secondary measure recommended for people up to 40 years of age and pregnant women. Take iodine tablets only on the advice of the authorities, which you will hear on the radio or television. Iodine tablets prevent the accumulation of radioactive iodine in the thyroid gland, but do not provide any other protection. In the event of an emergency, do not leave the building to retrieve the tablets. Iodine tablets can be obtained in advance from a pharmacy. There should be 2 iodine tablets per person. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health recommends taking iodine tablets in the event of a radiation hazard due to a nuclear accident for people up to 40 years of age and pregnant women. Protect your food and drinking water Put exposed food in plastic bags or leak-proof containers. Refrigerators, freezers and leak-proof containers protect against radioactive dust. Walking in the open If you have to go outside, wear tight, skin-covering clothing, such as rainwear. Take off your clothes on entering the hallway and wash carefully. Wear a respirator, towel or paper towels to prevent radioactive particles from entering your lungs. Further advice Further advice can be obtained from the emergency services in your town, the media and on page 867 of the Finnish Broadcasting Corporation's Text-TV. Information is also available on the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority's website and on the rescue services' website

Civil defence

The purpose of the civil defence shelter is to protect people from collapses, explosion pressure waves and fragments, gases, radiation and fire. This property has a civil defence shelter. It is recommended that a civil defence shelter have an elected manager and deputy. It is good for the property's shelter's manager to learn how to use the equipment and how to prepare the shelter for use.

In Finland there are enough civil defence shelters for approximately 3.8 million people. Civil defence shelters are found both in domestic and other properties. In addition to shelters in properties, there are also public ones, such as rock shelters. Such civil defence shelters are public, usually the responsibilitity of the cities and only located in major cities.

Under normal circumstances the shelters are used for various activities, such as sports or storage, or other kinds of useful purposes. A civil defence shelter must however be ready for use within 72 hours should the authorities give an order to prepare it.

With civil defence shelters it is important to protect metal parts from rusting, insulation staying intact, machinery remaining functional, and equipment kept safe in stock.

This property has a civil defence shelter:

Location Protection grade Location of equipment
S1 Väestönsuoja

The civil defence shelter is in class S1. The civil defence shelter in protection class S1 is a newer shelter, built after 1971. It is possible to stay in this shelter model for long time periods. The shelter has a manually operated or mechanical air intake machinery, equipped with a pre-filter and an activated carbon particle filter.

The authorities provide instructions by radio if it is necessary to move to civil defence shelters and information on which of the public shelters people are to move to. Moving into the civil defence shelters therefore always happens as a result of direction by the authorities. Accidents occurring in normal times do not generally ever require taking cover in civil defence shelters, with taking cover indoors being sufficient. There are 110,000 spaces altogether in the civil defence shelters of Finland.

Civil defence shelter maintenance.

A civil defence shelter as well as civil defence equipment and devices must be maintained in such condition that the shelter can be made operational in 72 hours. A shelter can also be used for other purposes, as long as making it operational takes no longer than stated before. Normal time use is not allowed to damage the shelter nor prevent it being inspected or tested for leakage.

It is not permitted to store pollutant liquids in a shelter nor is it permitted to make holes in surrounding structures. Protective doors, hatches and air ventilation machinery must not be moved from their designated spots nor is it permitted to use the air ventilation machinery for air ventilation under normal circumstances. It is permitted to install a door to the protective door's opening. Even during normal times it should be ensured that at least half of the shelter is free in case of a sudden need to take shelter.

Additionally you should take note of the following:
  • The civil defence shelter owner and manager must make sure that the shelter, its equipment and machinery are kept operational and maintained and inspected accordingly.
  • An appointed person inspects and test uses the shelter's doors, hatches, tightness, air conditioning and electricity equipment, as well as the drains, yearly according to the directions from the equipment retailer.
  • In order to ensure the shelter equipment is operational they ought to be inspected and serviced at least every 10 years unless the manufacturer has stated a shorter maintenance period.
  • An inspection log must be drafted when checking machinery's functionality, where machine-specific inspections are marked. The inspection log must be presented to the rescue authorities when asked for.
  • The owner and the proprietor of the property must ensure that the civil defence shelter has such equipment that it can be made operational. This equipment consist of items such as spare water containers, waste containers, dry lavatories, and beds.

Renovating the civil defence shelter

When proceeding to an improved level of protection
  • A civil defence shelter is assigned a care person, who is in charge of renovation. S/He must know the machinery in the shelter as well as know how to use it. Additionally, the shelter's care person is responsible for the general order and cleanliness, as well as discipline, in the shelter.
  • The shelter is emptied of the goods stored in it, or that have otherwise collected there, in accordance with the clearing plan.
  • All temporary structures are taken down and taken out of the shelter.
  • Hinges, latches, etc. from doors and hatches are inspected, lubricated, and serviced.
  • Door insulations are inspected and put in place according to instructions.
  • Inspection of the emergency exit hallway and hatch for functionality and use.
  • Dry toilets (15 plastic bags per toilet) are distributed into the dry toilet spaces. The toilet spaces are partitioned off with curtains or boards. There is to be one toilet space per every 20 m² .
  • All vents (HWA) are checked for functionality by turning them from one extreme setting to another.
  • Spare water containers are cleaned and filled up. The filling hose and other equipment are checked at the same time. The showers for the decontamination tent are installed and tested out. There should be 50 litres of water per square metre in the shelter, meaning 50 x 80 = 4,000 litres (or 30 litres/person).
  • Floor drains are cleaned and their functionality is tested by pouring water into them. Attention! The floor drain has a closing valve.
  • Air pressure valves are checked and joints are lubricated.
  • Air ventilation openings used in normal conditions are blocked off by installing dust covers with insulation.
  • The condition of the pressure valves is checked from outside the shelter.
  • Air ventilation shafts and filters are cleaned.
  • All pipes, connections, and machinery connected with air ventilation are checked. Special filters are installed according to the machine's installation guide.
  • The functioning of exit valves is checked by turning them from one extreme setting to another.
  • Check overpressure indicator for: fluid, the pipes opening, that the meter reads 0, and the spare fluid (dyed fuel oil).
  • The balometer sensitivity is tested with a test use.
  • Pressurisation of the shelter is to be checked; the pressure test is conducted according to the machine manufacturer's instructions. The aim is to verify that there is enough overpressure, and that the shelter doesn't leak too much air out.
  • Examine and inspect the functionality of the shelter's phone, antenna, appliance fuses, lighting, backup batteries, spare lightbulbs and spare fuses, switches and power outlets, etc.
  • Equip the shelter with appropriate gear (attachment) in accordance with regulations.
  • The spaces in the shelter are divided according to the plan made beforehand into general living and activity spaces (men/women, protection personnel, staff, customers). Each sheltered person has their own personal living space containing personal items, medication, and long- life provisions.
  • The shelter contains enough seats, tables, and bunkbeds for approximately one third of the people coming into the shelter.
  • For exceptional circumstances, there should also be equipment and goods that will make a longer stay possible (e.g. entertainment).
  • Check functionality of spare lighting.
  • Signs guiding the way to the shelter must be installed in passages and corridors.

Civil defence material

Civil defence material can be divided into two categories: shelter- specific material and protection staff material. Each civil defence shelter should have the shelter-specific material reserved for it as well as the protection material for the shelter manager and his/her deputy.

Material is usable in normal conditions in care and maintenance activities, assuming that the material is stored in the property where it belongs. Tools belonging to the civil defence shelter must be usable when the shelter is issued to be used.

The residential buildings' shelter-specific material
Tag Count
Stretchers 1
Water preservation solution Based on the amount
Crowbar 1
The shelter's tag places 1
Hand light 2
Bucket hose 1
The shelter's tools
Tag Additional information
Peening hammer 2 kg
Cutting chisel 300 mm
Spike chisel 300 mm
Power cutters approx. 600 mm
Hatchet approx. 400 mm
Entrenching spade approx. 500 mm when folded
Crowbar approx. 600 mm
Handsaw blade 500 mm
Hacksaw blade 310 mm
Hacksaw blades 5 to spare
Adjustable wrench max. a 35 mm jaw
A slotted screwdriver tip 8 mm, blade 150 mm
Phillips head screwdriver
Carpenter's hammer 0.5 kg
Nails 2 kg, 75, 100, and 125 mm
Belt-knife approx. 200 mm
Rescue rope d=12 mm, 20 m
The apartment building's protection staff's material
Safety and protection staff's material For every 100 residents
Civilian gas mask and civil defence shelter filters 2
Hard hat 2
Protective glasses 2
First aid kit and protective bandage pack 1
Sterile first aid dressing 2
Geiger counter / over 100 person property 1
Iodine tablets 2/resident
Guide on building protection (Kodin turvaopas, SPEK) 2

Safeguard evasion

Safeguard evasion means controlled relocations of members of the population from a danger zone in a situation where this is considered less risky than taking cover indoors. Such situations are for example fast-developing dangerous substance accidents, extensive harm caused by exhaust fumes, danger of explosion, and radiation situations.

Safeguard evasion is always done on a special order from the authorities. The authorities have planned in advance to perform a safeguard evasion from the area and reserved the necessary transportation equipment for it.

Storing in the property

Storage of different kinds of objects may lead to a hazard of fire starting or spreading, the prevention of safe exit in an emergency situation and increased difficulty in extinguishing the fire. It is easier to prevent a fire pre-emptively than to extinguish it. For this reason it is necessary to know what causes fires and to recognise the hazardous factors in one's own immediate environment. Rescue law contains directives on, for example, the storage of easily flammable materials and other objects within buildings. Legislation on chemicals contains restrictions on storage of flammable liquids and other dangerous chemicals in spaces where they can cause an exceptional hazard. Many substances which are kept at home also generate explosive gases that ignite from a spark, for example the spark caused by a light switch - so fire is not even needed for ignition. Therefore always handle fire- hazardous substances in accordance with instructions. Storing fire hazardous substances in apartment-specific storage rooms is strictly forbidden. Storing them in apartments and garages is limited.

The building's exit hallways and staircase areas must be kept walkable and clear of any obstacles.

Apartments and the balconies, terraces or equivalent areas belonging to them
  • If storage is possible without endangering safety, the following can be stored:
    • flammable liquids and aerosols containing flammable liquids or flammable gases, up to a maximum amount of 25 litres
    • up to 25 kg of liquid gas
    • fireworks, up to 5 kg (net weight), must be stored in a locked closet accordingly with no heat sources or handling of fire, which could cause the fireworks to explode
  • Flammable gases, other than the aforementioned, must not be stored in the apartment.
  • Storing of unnecessary items in the apartments should be avoided.
Exit corridors, staircases, inside hallways, attics, basement and storage area passages
  • It is not permitted to store any items.
Attic storages
  • Do not store easily flammable material or other goods.
  • Liquefied petroleum gas is not to be stored in attic spaces.
  • No storing of petrol, gas bottles, or other flammable fluids.
  • Fireworks equipment must not be stored in attic spaces.
Loose fittings storage units
  • Do not store easily flammable material.
  • Liquefied petroleum gas is not to be stored in loose fittings storage units.
  • No storing of petrol, gas bottles, or other flammable fluids.
  • Firework devices are not to be stored in the apartment-specific storage spaces of the loose fittings storage units or in public spaces in common use.
Under or near buildings
  • It is not permitted to store flammable material or other goods by the walls of the building, e.g. garbage containers, piles of cardboard, or transportation trays
  • Refuse containers outside, as well as refuse shelters, are to be positioned at least 8 metres away from the building
A separate storage space belonging to the residential building residential building)
  • It can store:
    • flammable liquids and aerosols containing flammable liquids or flammable gases, up to a maximum total amount of 50 litres
    • up to 50 kg of liquid gas
  • The rescue authorities can permit single case exceptions, for example for storing a larger amount or allowing storage in a different place or limit storing, if safety requires that

How to use a small fire extinguisher

The resident is responsible for acquiring extinguishing equipment for the apartment.


  • Turn the extinguisher upside down and shake the extinguisher to ensure the powder's running.
  • Remove the safety pin.
  • Approach the fire from the direction of the wind.
  • If you are indoors, approach low on the floor, as this will improve the visibility.
  • Take a hold of the extinguisher's hose from the end and direct the extinguishing substance at the base of the flames, don't cut through them.
  • Start extinguishing from the front and continue towards the back, or from bottom to top.
  • Extinguishing can be improved with a back and forth motion.
  • The whole area that is burning must be covered in the extinguisher cloud.
  • After the flames are extinguished the extinguishing can be stopped.
  • Observer the burnt object and make sure that the fire is out.
  • If the target catches fire again, repeat the extinguishing.

Extinguishing blankets

  • Take a hold of the corners of the blanket and protect your hands by placing them inside the blanket.
  • Step on the blanket with your foot; this will prevent the flames from getting to your face.
  • If you are outside, approach the fire from the direction of the wind.
  • Extend your arms straight.
  • Spread the blanket over the fire.
  • Hold the blanket tightly over the fire and make sure that the fire is extinguished.
  • Protect yourself while lifting the blanket as the fire can re-ignite.
  • Make sure once more that the fire is extinguished.

Fire hydrant

  • Open the fire hydrant cabinet. If necessary, break the plastic covering of the lockguard by, for example, hitting it with your elbow.
  • Open the stopcock and pull out as much hose as you need.
  • Turn on the nozzle at the end of the hose and begin extinguishing from a safe distance.
  • Direct the water jet at the base of the flames and continue until the fire has been extinguished.
  • Make sure the fire has been put out. Suffocate or wet all possibly still- smouldering spots.

Do not put yourself in danger. Avoid breathing smoke. If the extinguishing is not succeeding, move to safety. Close the door to the space to limit the fire.

Car heating cables

Car heating cables should be detached from the power outlet and the cable in the outlet should not be left hanging on the heating pole. The cover of the outlet box should also be kept locked.

An open outlet box and a freely hanging heating cable with voltage cause danger of an electric shock. If the plug-in unit falls into a puddle or snow, it may electrify the surrounding area. In addition, the heating cable may break and become a hazard while clearing snow in the area, for example. An open outlet box is susceptible to vandalism.

Users should be advised on the safe use and storage of the car heating cable. The housing organisation is responsible for the safety of the property, and if, for example, an external party is injured, the housing organisation will be held responsible. A car user who has incorrectly left the cable attached to the outlet is also responsible for their part for any possible damages.

When pre-heating a car, you should only use a heating cable suitable for the purpose and an interior space heater designed for cars. Using an extension cable should be avoided as extension cables are generally not child-proof and they are easily left on the ground, where they are subjected to water, dirt and snow. The connection cable and condition of the plugs should be checked at regular intervals.

If the car heating equipment is not used or their condition is not preserved, danger of an electric shock to the user or another person follows. It also poses a fire hazard.

Smoke detector guide

A smoke detector is a device, which detects a starting fire and goes off with a loud sound. A smoke detector is mandatory in all apartments, even summer homes. Smoke detectors usually work with batteries. They can also get power from the electricity grid. In case of power cuts, they also have to have a battery or a rechargeable battery. In a new apartment, to which a construction permit has been applied for after 1.2.2009, there must be a smoke detector which is connected to the electricity grid.

The resident is responsible for the smoke detector.

Place the smoke detector in the ceiling
The smoke detector is placed in the ceiling, because smoke rises. If the apartment has multiple floors, each floor must have its own smoke detector. Also remember the following instructions when installing a smoke detector:
  • Place the smoke detector in the ceiling in the middle of the room, in a place to which the smoke can get without being blocked by anything.
  • Install the smoke detector at least 50 centimetres from a wall, corner, or roof beam.
  • Do not install the smoke detector close to ventilation windows or air ventilation channels. Air flow can prevent the smoke from getting to the smoke detector.
  • Do not place the smoke detector in the kitchen or in humid or extremely dusty spaces.
  • Follow the instructions from the installation guide that comes with the smoke detector.
Keep the smoke detector in good condition and test its function monthly.
The fire alarm easily collects dust, which may cause false alarms. The fire alarm must be cleaned once a year.
How to maintain your smoke detector in condition
  • Lightly vacuum the smoke detector.
  • Dust off the smoke detector lighly with a damp cloth. Do not let moisture inside the smoke detector.
  • Always test the smoke detector after cleaning by pressing the test button. The sound signal will inform that the smoke detector is working.
  • Test the smoke detector's functionality once a month by pressing the test button. Do not use a match, a candle, a lighter, or anything similar for the testing.
  • Change a regular battery into the smoke detector once a year.
  • A smoke detector is recommended to be changed into a new one every 5-10 years. It is not recommended to repair an old smoke detector, as buying a new one is cheaper.

General directions

In addition to what laws, decrees, and other contracts dictate, in order to secure comfortable living it is important to get approval for property-specific bylaws as well as general guidelines.

All residents must with their behaviour take into consideration other residents of the building, and no-one is permitted to unnecessarily disturb the living comfort of others. The residents must make sure that also their guests follow the bylaws and rules of the property.

Outdoor and yard areas

When using the outdoor areas, a common courtesy for cleanliness should be followed and the lawn, the planted vegetation, lawn furniture, or playing equipment may not be damaged. The common walkways should be used when moving outdoors. Driving with cars on passageways between buildings is permitted only for short term activities, e.g. moving or other transportation of goods. Follow regulation on the vehicle's idle running in the yard as well and in parking areas.


Parking vehicles is only permitted in areas indicated for them. It is not permitted to haul a power line from an apartment or other indoor space for outside use.


Both in the apartment and throughout the rest of the property, you must let others live in peace. Advance notification of possible larger family festivities and such should be given to neighbours beforehand.


The balcony must be maintained neat and clean, and cleared of snow in the winter. Flower pots must be placed inside the railing. Watering plants and washing the balcony with running water is forbidden. Dusting carpets, and throwing cigarette butts and other rubbish from the balcony or windows is strictly forbidden. All kind of barbecuing or preparation of warm foods is only allowed with an electric barbecue grill.


Pets must not disturb other residents of the house. Letting pets run free outside the apartment is absolutely forbidden. Outside the apartments, all pets (including cats) must be kept on a leash or in transportation cages and under such supervision that other people can move about safely without disturbance. Walkers of cats and dogs must ensure that the animal does not soil or damage the buildings or outside areas of the property. Pet waste must be cleared away. Walking cats and dogs in childrens' playgrounds or in their close proximity is strictly forbidden.

Waste disposal

Leaving trash bags, cardboard, furniture, special/hazardous waste, etc. outside trash cans is not allowed. Special and/or hazardous waste such as batteries and car tires must be delived to recycling centers. Old furnitures and televisions, etc must be delivered to the waste dump.


The machines in the laundry are not to be used for washing, drying, or mangling/wringing rugs. Outsiders are not allowed to use the machines in the laundry. Familiarise yourself with the user manual of the laundry's machines. Wired bras must absolutely be washed in laundrybags, because if the wires get loose they will cause the machine to shortcircuit and break. Leave the laundry clean after use. The kind of state that you'd want it to be in when you come to do your laundry.

Laundry care

Laundry must be cleared out from the laundry machine and the drying room immediately after washing/drying is done, so that the space becomes available for the next user. It is permitted to only dry clean laundry in the drying room. Storing laundry in the laundry and the drying room is prohibited.

Drying room

The drying room is meant for drying regular laundry. Familiarize yourself with the user manual for the drying machine. It is not allowed to use the drying machine during the night due to the noise it makes. It is forbidden to place anything in close proximity (0.5m) of the dryer (RISK OF FIRE)!

Club room

  • Any activity which disturbs residents' peace during night is forbidden during silence hours.
  • Smoking in the club facilities is forbidden.
  • The club room must be cleaned after use.
  • Leaving refuse or empty bottles in the social room is forbidden.
  • When leaving the club room, make sure that all doors, windows, and balcony windows are closed.
  • If there is anything in the condition, the stocking, etc. of the club room that gives cause for complaint, notification should be given without delay to the Chairman of the Board or the housing manager.

Home storage supplies

Home storage supplies are a part of a housing company's residents' independent protection. Surprising circumstances are easier to overcome when you have a home storage supply at home. Home storage supply means those food and other daily goods that are stocked up on more than normally needed in weekly/monthly use. The home storage supply should last for several days, even a week. The home storage supply consists of everyday groceries and items, which are stocked up on as they are used up. This way the groceries and other items stay fresh and usable.

A situation where you cannot get to the store can surprise you for many reasons. A person living alone can get sick and is not able to go shopping or a member of the family can fall sick. The wider society is vulnerable as well; there can be a strike, traffic connections may break down, or there might be a wider disturbance in the electricity grid. There can be an accident which closes the stores or prevents you from going outside. Additionally, distribution disturbances can prevent goods from getting to the stores as well as getting items from the store.

Each family has their own kind of home reserves consisting of usual groceries. The contents of the home reserves can differ based on the household's food preferences and also include containers for storing water, medicine, iodine tablets, as well as household-specific necessities. The home reserves should last at least a week, preferably two – home reserves are continuously used and restocked continuously.

The home reserves also include essential supplies, of which there must be a supply for the same period as in the case of food. These are, amongst others, personal medication, hygiene products, nappies, a battery-powered radio, an electric flashlight and batteries.

Thank you for reading the document.